Here's a lovely photo of my tub drenched in the the blue stuff. Ugh, my lungs are aching again just looking at the picture.
See that Red towel on the floor of the tub? Yeah, it's now stark white.
Look! The caulking is stark white, again! Whoo Hoo!
Oh, and lookey there, is that a shiny reflection from my flash coming off my tub? Why, yes, I do believe it is.
On a positive note, all of those caustic chemicals were able to get all of the stains and mold out of the caulking thus saving me LOADS of time and some money from having to rip it all out and replace it. I'm all for saving time and money.
Yeah, I know, not much for a first day of this great big plan to take over the world my house. But this was a great first move. My husband was quite impressed and actually agreed to help me with a few things for the cupboard under the sink to organize a little better. Oh, have I mentioned that Messy Dad is BEYOND handy? Yeah, he is, and I exploit it when at all possible.
Also got my label maker in! Isn't she pretty? Oh, she and I are going to become the best of friends, oh yes we will.
Until Next Time and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
-Messy Mom
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