Friday, January 7, 2011

The Jig Is Up Folks

Yup, the jig is up, and I could not be any more relieved.  Mr. Messy now knows all about the Blog and my evil plan to take over the house.

He was getting suspicious a) because I never clean... and when I do clean, I do not clean with purpose and direction.  b) He started questioning my sudden plans to decorate, rearrange and otherwise make life better.  Basically he wanted to know who stole his wife so he could make sure she doesn't come back.  He likes Messy Mom 2.0 much better.  Now that he's on board, I told him about everything I want him to make me <evil grin>.

I have to admit, the bathroom is coming along quite nicely.  I'm 90% done with the general cleaning and straightening up.  I still have to do the dreaded floors  <shoot me now>.  But I found some awesome deals in the clearance section of TJ Maxx for some decor.  That place is so dangerous for my checking account.  When all is said and done, however, I think I am going to be able to decorate the bathroom for under $100.  I don't know about you, but I think that's not too shabby for a bathroom that previously only had trash and all the contents from the drawers on the counter as decor.

I'm wanting to go with a Coastal Redwood Spa Retreat feel for the bathroom.  Hopefully I don't miss that mark by a mile and a half.  I was inspired by a teak wood bathroom mat I saw (check out the link).  But instead of paying over $100 for the thing, I am going to have Messy Dad make it for me out of some Redwood Witness Wood we were able to get our hands on.  If you don't know what witness wood is, I'll give you a very quick description:  Witness Wood is reclaimed wood that is over 100 years old, sometimes old trees at famous landmarks are called Witness Trees (such as the  famous trees at Gettysburg).  They call it witness wood/witness trees because they are so old in age, they have witnessed a lot through local history.  The grain, color and markings of witness wood is generally not found in woods you get today because it has to do with a combination of the age of the tree when it was cut down and the amount of time it has had to age since being cut down.  Enough of the history lesson.  This wood we found is old growth redwood that was used to make a barn dating back to 1901 that was torn down a few weeks ago.  The wood was going to be thrown out!  So, the salvage  aficionado (fine cheap-o, call it whatever you want) that I am, told Messy Dad to make me that wooden bathmat, a waste bin and a small box for the counter.  Oh the things I am going to have him make!  I'm sure more of that wood will pop up in projects in the months to come.

Until Next Time,
Messy Mom


  1. SO nice that you have someone handy to help you make stuff rather then buy it.

  2. Very true, however it's been 3 years and I'm still waiting for him to make me the promised bedroom set.
